OpenSSH is the premier connectivity tool for remote login with the SSH protocol. It encrypts all traffic to eliminate eavesdropping, connection hijacking, and other attacks. In addition, OpenSSH provides a large suite of secure tunneling capabilities, several authentication methods, and sophisticated configuration options.
GitHub Group:
Source code:
Securing OpenSSH
SSHd config: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Restart SSHd:
service sshd restart
Disable Root Logins
# Prevent root logins:
PermitRootLogin no
Limit User Logins
AllowUsers alice bob
Disable Protocol 1
# Protocol 2,1
Protocol 2
Disable Password Login
PasswordAuthentication no
security key sk
ssh security key sk implementions:
- h
t t p s : / / g i t h u b . c o m / p g a s k i n / s s h - s k - p r o v i d e r - g m s - OpenSSH security key provider for Play Services on Android.
- h
t t p s : / / g i t h u b . c o m / m f r i e d l / s k - s g x - OpenSSH SK API implemented with Intel SGX
- h
t - U2F Key Support in OpenSSHt p s : / / d u o . c o m / l a b s / t e c h - n o t e s / u 2 f - k e y - s u p p o r t - i n - o p e n s s h
View SSH cert:
$ ssh-keygen -L -f
Type: user certificate
Public key: ED25519-CERT SHA256:m4BZYenmSmQCrogIeWXqAIRGgGlq511dvid2M1FqcaQ
Signing CA: ECDSA SHA256:Dc6+i18g5P0sjnGhl+T1Lc+GQWPvn8QIqiOgjTg07rE (using ecdsa-sha2-nistp384)
Key ID: "default_key_id"
Serial: 2520885759318843550
Valid: from 2024-09-11T00:12:02 to 2024-09-11T01:12:03
Critical Options: (none)
$ ssh-keygen -f server_ca
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in server_ca.
Your public key has been saved in
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:IRk7bvTPw7wkFXWVY8BoxxRpedhQ2rUqeBTX2B8V7AU hatterjiang@HatterJiangs-MacBook-Pro.local
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
| . .**E=B|
| + +o@o@+|
| * . o.o.+o=|
| o + .o. ...|
| o S..o . |
| . *. . |
| . B |
| o o |
| . |
$ ls -l
total 16
-rw------- 1 hatterjiang staff 1675 Jul 8 03:12 server_ca
-rw-r--r-- 1 hatterjiang staff 424 Jul 8 03:12
$ ssh-keygen -s server_ca -I host_auth_server -h -n -V +52w
Signed host key id "host_auth_server" serial 0 for valid from 2016-07-08T03:14:00 to 2017-07-07T03:14:59
$ ls -l
total 40
-rw------- 1 hatterjiang staff 1675 Jul 8 03:12 server_ca
-rw-r--r-- 1 hatterjiang staff 424 Jul 8 03:12
-rw------- 1 hatterjiang staff 1679 Jul 8 03:14 user_key
-rw-r--r-- 1 hatterjiang staff 1377 Jul 8 03:14
-rw-r--r-- 1 hatterjiang staff 424 Jul 8 03:14
Step 1:
Generate SSH CA:
$ card-cli ssh-pub-key --ca -s r15
[INFO ] SSH algorithm: nistp384
cert-authority,principals="root" ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 AAAAE2VjZHNh****** Yubikey-PIV-R15
Step 2:
Write to file: ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Step 3:
Generate SSH key pair:
$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f id_eddsa
Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in id_eddsa
Your public key has been saved in
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:m4BZYenmSmQCrogIeWXqAIRGgGlq511dvid2M1FqcaQ hatterjiang@HatterJiang_macOS
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ED25519 256]--+
|B+ o. .. |
|*o o... . ..o |
|*o + .. . o E= |
|=o+.o+o. . . + |
|B+o++oo S o . |
|= ...... o + = |
| . . o . + o |
| . |
| |
Step 4:
Generate SSH key pair cert:
$ card-cli ssh-piv-cert -f -s r15
[INFO ] Serial: 2520885759318843550
[INFO ] Key ID: default_key_id
[INFO ] Principals: ["root"]
[INFO ] Validity: 3600 seconds
Step 5:
SSH to server:
$ ssh -i id_eddsa
Last login: Wed Sep 11 00:10:15 2024 from 115.*.*.*
Welcome to Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service !
[root@example ~]#
From OpenSSH 8.2 which released on 2020-02-14 supports FIDO/U2F.
Linux releases uses OpenSSH 8.2:
- Ubuntu 20.04
ssh-keygen -t ecdsa-sk -O resident [-O verify-required]
keypair use-t ed25519-sk
Generate ecdsa-sk
$ ssh-keygen -t ecdsa-sk -O resident
Generating public/private ecdsa-sk key pair.
You may need to touch your authenticator to authorize key generation.
Enter PIN for authenticator:
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/hatterjiang/.ssh/id_ecdsa_sk):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /Users/hatterjiang/.ssh/id_ecdsa_sk
Your public key has been saved in /Users/hatterjiang/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:1YCKtRpHsN0saB2jlrPELq1gT+aRXD9BlI/Zo2c0y04 hatterjiang@HatterJiang_macOS
The key's randomart image is:
+-[ECDSA-SK 256]--+
| ..+o... |
| . B+*. o |
| @=++B . . |
| .*=o=+.B |
|...*++ oS + |
|..=oo ..E |
| .o = |
| . |
| |
Restore resident public key:
$ ssh-keygen -K
Enter PIN for authenticator:
You may need to touch your authenticator to authorize key download.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Saved ECDSA-SK key to id_ecdsa_sk_rk
List credentials from Yubikey via ykman
$ ykman fido credentials list
Enter your PIN:
Credential ID RP ID Username Display name
0156d3d2... ssh: openssh openssh
For FIDO not supported server, use
Simple SSH server supports FIDO-U2F h
$ ssh -p 2222
Confirm user presence for key ECDSA-SK SHA256:+1wf4m+3FrZz5N9uvq4JkeCw69n2G3h6V7ymHC6GLlc
User presence confirmed
, . . .
| . | | |
| ) ) ,-. | ,-. ,-. ;-.-. ,-. |- ,-.
|/|/ |-' | | | | | | | |-' | | |
' ' `-' ' `-' `-' ' ' ' `-' `-' `-'
. . . . ,-.
`. | | | | ' ( `
--- > |--| ,-: |- |- ,-. ;-. ,-. `-. ,-. ;-. . , ,-. ;-.
,' | | | | | | |-' | `-. . ) |-' | |/ |-' |
' ' `-` `-' `-' `-' ' `-' `-' `-' ' ' `-' '
[root@hatter simple-ssh-server]#
SSH agent forwarding allows you to use your private, local SSH key remotely without worrying about leaving confidential data on the server you're working with. It's built into ssh, and is easy to set up and use.
ssh -o "ForwardAgent yes"
IMPORTANT: ForwardAgent only supports forward SSH_AUTH_SOCK
OpenSC: h
ssh -I /Library/OpenSC/lib/
Yubikey PKCS#11:
- h
t t p s : / / d e v e l o p e r s . y u b i c o . c o m / y u b i c o - p i v - t o o l / Y K C S 1 1 / - h
t t p s : / / d e v e l o p e r s . y u b i c o . c o m / P I V / G u i d e s / S S H _ w i t h _ P I V _ a n d _ P K C S 1 1 . h t m l
ssh -I /usr/local/lib/libykcs11.dylib
Yubikey PKCS#11 rust edition: h
ssh -I /FULLPATH/libyubikey_piv_pkcs11.dylib
Generate new key
ssh-keygen -t rsa [-b 4096] -f id_rsa
ssh-keygen -t ecdsa [-b 256] -f id_ecdsa
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f id_eddsa
Algorithm | Command |
ssh-rsa | ssh-keygen -t rsa (default) |
ssh-ed25519 | ssh-keygen -t ed25519 |
ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 | ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 256 |
ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 | ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 384 |
ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 | ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 521 |
Show fingerprints
ssh-keygen -l -f [-E md5|sha1|sha256|sha384|sha512]
Public key to PKCS#8
ssh-keygen -e -f -m PKCS8
SSH signature
Sign with card-cli
$ echo hello | card-cli ssh-piv-sign -s 9a -n gitea --in -
Sign with ssh-keygen
$ echo hello | ssh-keygen -Y sign -n gitea -f id_ec
Signing data on standard input
$ echo hello | ssh-keygen -Y check-novalidate -n gitea -s sig
Good "gitea" signature with ECDSA key SHA256:ffQc4EuW8ZxSi0fhO3+anYiBD7PH92iNYxoyOCp3/lc
Secretive is an app for storing and managing SSH keys in the Secure Enclave. It is inspired by the sekey project, but rewritten in Swift with no external dependencies and with a handy native management app.

- h
t t p s : / / g i t h u b . c o m / c l o u d t o o l s / s s h - c e r t - a u t h o r i t y - ssh-cert-authority
- h
t t p s : / / g i t h u b . c o m / c l o u d t o o l s / s s h - c a - ssh-ca
- h
t - How To Create an SSH CA to Validate Hosts and Clients with Ubuntut p s : / / w w w . d i g i t a l o c e a n . c o m / c o m m u n i t y / t u t o r i a l s / h o w - t o - c r e a t e - a n - s s h - c a - t o - v a l i d a t e - h o s t s - a n d - c l i e n t s - w i t h - u b u n t u - h
t - How to Harden SSH with Identities and Certificatest p s : / / e f . g y / h a r d e n i n g - s s h - h
t - Enhanced SSH and FIDO authentication in Ubuntu 20.04 LTSt p s : / / u b u n t u . c o m / b l o g / e n h a n c e d - s s h - a n d - f i d o - a u t h e n t i c a t i o n - i n - u b u n t u - 2 0 - 0 4 - l t s - h
t - Securing OpenSSHt p s : / / w i k i . c e n t o s . o r g / H o w T o s / N e t w o r k / S e c u r i n g S S H - h
t - A Visual Guide to SSH Tunnels: Local and Remote Port Forwardingt p s : / / i x i m i u z . c o m / e n / p o s t s / s s h - t u n n e l s / - h
t t p s : / / s u p e r u s e r . c o m / q u e s t i o n s / 3 0 8 1 2 6 / i s - i t - p o s s i b l e - t o - s i g n - a - f i l e - u s i n g - a n - s s h - k e y - h
t - Generating SSH keyst p s : / / c l o u d . i b m . c o m / d o c s / h p - v i r t u a l - s e r v e r s ? t o p i c = h p - v i r t u a l - s e r v e r s - g e n e r a t e _ s s h - h
t - GitHub now supports SSH security keyst p s : / / w w w . y u b i c o . c o m / b l o g / g i t h u b - n o w - s u p p o r t s - s s h - s e c u r i t y - k e y s / - h
t - Securing SSH Authentication with FIDO2t p s : / / d e v e l o p e r s . y u b i c o . c o m / S S H / S e c u r i n g _ S S H _ w i t h _ F I D O 2 . h t m l