With Cryptomator, the key to your data is in your hands. Cryptomator encrypts your data quickly and easily. Afterwards you upload them protected to your favorite cloud service.

Official website: https://cryptomator.org/
Github: https://github.com/cryptomator/cryptomator Github Repo Stars: cryptomator/cryptomator


https://github.com/purejava/cryptomator-bitwarden Github Repo Stars: purejava/cryptomator-bitwarden

Plug-in for Cryptomator to store vault passwords in Bitwarden Secrets Manager


https://github.com/jht5945/gnupg-cryptomator Github Repo Stars: jht5945/gnupg-cryptomator

Plug-in for Cryptomator to store vault passwords with GnuPG encryption


https://github.com/purejava/keepassxc-cryptomator Github Repo Stars: purejava/keepassxc-cryptomator

Plug-in for Cryptomator to store vault passwords in KeePassXC Usage Wiki


https://github.com/jht5945/tinyencrypt-cryptomator Github Repo Stars: jht5945/tinyencrypt-cryptomator

Plug-in for Cryptomator to store vault passwords with tiny-encrypt encryption

https://cyberduck.io/ - Cyberduck | Libre server and cloud storage browser for Mac and Windows with support for FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Amazon S3, OpenStack Swift, Backblaze B2, Microsoft Azure & OneDrive, Google Drive and Dropbox

Boxcryptor - https://www.boxcryptor.com/